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Sex and the City 2 DVD ENGLISH  di Michael Patrick King
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vende questo disco in provincia di Catania

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Informazioni sul venditore:
Contattare: Bella Michele
Via badalà 17, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia  (Catania)
Telefono: 3467042174

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Sex and the City 2 DVD ENGLISH

10,00 €



artista: Michael Patrick King

Condizioni: NUOVO
genere: FILM
ID titolo:21095

"Sex and the City 2 DVD ENGLISH" è in vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:34 in provincia di Catania

Note :
Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda attend the wedding of their friends Stanford and Anthony. Three of the four women are now married themselves but Samantha, aged 52, is desperately trying to keep her libido alive as she enters menopause. The wedding is officiated by Liza Minnelli who also performs a musical number, and Carrie serves as Stanford’s best man. Back home, Miranda quits her job after her firm’s misogynistic new managing partner disrespects her once too often. Charlotte’s two children are a handful, mostly her two-year-old daughter Rose’s extreme and constant crying, and she is worried that her husband Harry is attracted to their buxom Irish nanny, Erin. Carrie’s marriage to Mr. Big has settled down, although they differ on how to spend their spare time. Carrie wants to go out often to dinner, parties and big events, whereas Big prefers to stay in and relax on the couch.
For their anniversary, Carrie gives Big a vintage Rolex watch engraved with the message Me and You, Just Us Two while he, much to her dismay, shows her a new TV in their bedroom as his gift, which Big says they can use to watch old films together, something they did at the hotel at Anthony and Stanford’s wedding and seemed to enjoy. She is disappointed with Big’s gift, as she had hoped for something more personal to show he realizes they must maintain the spark in the marriage. However, Big starts to watch TV more often, making Carrie feel unappreciated. In response she stays at her old apartment for two days to write an article, after which Big acts the way he did while they were first dating and they both enjoy a romantic night out. He enjoys it so much he suggests to Carrie that they take two days off every week, he can go somewhere for those two days to relax, watch TV and lie on the couch, and the rest of the time he will have more energy to do what she wants to do. Carrie does not dismiss this, but is hurt by the suggestion and worries it means they will drift apart...

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